Inspiration behind our art and stories

We thought it would be interesting and fun for you guys to know a little more about what inspires us. The different sources from who or what we get influenced by and how it helps to create the universe called Apocrypha Mysteries.

- Music : When we brainstorm for ideas about the plot, characters or specific scenes, music is the best way for us to get our brains really working. The process is literally magic, we play what we think would fit that kind of scene or character and whilst the music or song plays we imagine the scene in our head and ideas just come floating in. It helps us to really feel the mood and get down to the emotions we want to evoke in our audience.
- Dead Can Dance
- CocoRosie
- Sevdaliza
- Woodkid
- Labrinth
- Game soundtrack like Elden ring, Final fantasy, Dark Souls, Bloodborne
- Viking (tv show) soundtrack
- Gospel Music like Maverick city, ONE HOUSE
- Celtic Woman
- Ritual
2. Video Games : Yep you got us ! We have a passion for video games as well and since we were kids playing games was more then just a fun time for us. It was a way to escape from our troublesome and difficult childhood. Being able to completely immerse into the universe of the game and become part of those characters story was were we could be happy, inspired and find characters or situatiosn to relate to. That became also our motivation to do our own art and be able to create such a space for our audience - a place of escsapism full of wonder, mysteries and adventure.
Some games that inspire us listed below just for you :
- Final Fantasy series (one of our first game was FF8, and we fell in love)
- Resident evil
- Uncharted
- Elden ring
- Dark Souls
- Bloodborne
- Heavnely Sword
- Xenosaga
- Mass Effect
3. Anime and Manga : Our first Manga we really got into was Dragonball, we spend all our pocket money on buying the volumes and trying to draw just like it. Then over time we started to watch more and more, and we started to find our own style and the titles that inspire us the most.
- Black Clover
- Jujutsu no Kaisen
- Berserk
- One Piece
- Hunter x Hunter
- Akira
4. Then there is of course also movies, tv shows, books, writers, artists that are a huge part of our inspiration and so much that its impossible to mention them all.
- H.P Lovecraft ( shadow over innsmouth, Nercomonicon)
- Dunsany
- The Last Unicorn
- Books about Alchemy, Symbols, Mythology and Religion
- Books about Jinns, Monsters and Creatures
- Books about war, history, philosophy
( we will make a post in the future about specific books we have at home)
However our most important inspiration comes from a book that is about 3000 years old and has been part of th world and its history since then. Well of course it the Bible - Its the backbone of our universe and our stories, and we built everything around it, expanding the world of Apocrypha Mysteries.
Okay we don't wont to overwhelm you with one post, so that's it for now. We hope you enjoyed this and we would love to hear from you guys to comment below telling us about your favorite music, books, shows or whatever it is that inspires you !